Design and layout ideas for your new steel farm shed

Creating a new steel farm shed is an investment in functionality, durability, and organisation. While the structure’s skeleton might be steel, the soul is how you design and layout the space to meet your needs. There are countless ways to configure and customise your steel farm shed. 

Design Factors to Consider


The first step in the design process is to identify the functions your shed will serve. Will it house livestock, store machinery, or act as a workshop? A multifunctional shed can serve a combination of these purposes.

Size and Dimensions

Once you know what purpose(s) the shed will serve, you can determine the size and dimensions that best fit your needs. If it’s for machinery, ensure you have enough clearance and space to move around. If it’s for livestock, keep in mind their movement and care requirements.


Accessibility is key. The shed should be easily accessible for the machinery and animals. Consider proximity to other buildings, roadways, and utilities.


While a farm shed is primarily functional, there’s no reason it can’t also be aesthetically pleasing. It should complement other structures and the landscape in terms of architecture and colour.


Finally, keep budget constraints in mind. Steel sheds are more cost-effective, durable and easier to maintain than other building methods. 

Layout Ideas

Open Floor Plan

An open floor plan provides flexibility, allowing you to easily change the arrangement of stored items or the function of the space. This layout is ideal for machinery storage or workshops, where space requirements vary.

Partitioned Zones

Divide the shed into dedicated zones. For instance, if you’re using it to store machinery and house livestock, a partition can separate these zones to prevent cross-contamination and improve organisation.

Elevated Storage

Elevated storage solutions like loft areas or high shelves can help maximise space for a multifunctional shed. Store seldom-used items up high to keep the main floor area uncluttered.

Workbench and Utility Area

A well-designed workbench and utility area are essential if your shed will serve as a workshop. You should include sufficient lighting, electrical outlets, and storage for tools and supplies.

Ventilation and Insulation

Proper ventilation and insulation are crucial for livestock or workshops where you’ll be spending a lot of time. These not only make the environment more comfortable but also help maintain the integrity of the structure and the health of the animals.

Innovative Features to Consider


Natural lighting can make a massive difference in both energy bills and the ambience of the interior. Consider installing skylights or transparent roof panels.

Sliding Doors

Sliding doors can save space and make it easier to move large machinery or livestock in and out.

Modular Design

Consider a modular design that allows for future expansion. Your needs today may differ from your needs five or ten years later.

Smart Systems

Modernise your farm shed with smart lighting, ventilation, and security systems. Many of these systems can be controlled via smartphone apps for maximum convenience.

Rainwater Harvesting

Considering the shed has a large roof area, consider installing a rainwater harvesting system. It can provide a sustainable water supply for livestock or irrigation.

Final Thoughts

Designing your new steel farm shed is not just about erecting a structure; it’s about creating a space that will serve your needs efficiently for years. 

Paying attention to details like layout, storage, and innovative features can transform your farm shed from a basic utility building to an asset that contributes to your farm’s success. Whether for storing farm machinery, housing livestock, or serving as a workshop, thoughtful planning and design can make all the difference.

There are countless ways to configure and customise your shed.

EziBuilt Gunning is here to guide you through every step of the way to that perfect shed. Let’s get started on the design today!

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